38 research outputs found

    LEAGUE: Guided Skill Learning and Abstraction for Long-Horizon Manipulation

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    To assist with everyday human activities, robots must solve complex long-horizon tasks and generalize to new settings. Recent deep reinforcement learning (RL) methods show promise in fully autonomous learning, but they struggle to reach long-term goals in large environments. On the other hand, Task and Motion Planning (TAMP) approaches excel at solving and generalizing across long-horizon tasks, thanks to their powerful state and action abstractions. But they assume predefined skill sets, which limits their real-world applications. In this work, we combine the benefits of these two paradigms and propose an integrated task planning and skill learning framework named LEAGUE (Learning and Abstraction with Guidance). LEAGUE leverages the symbolic interface of a task planner to guide RL-based skill learning and creates abstract state space to enable skill reuse. More importantly, LEAGUE learns manipulation skills in-situ of the task planning system, continuously growing its capability and the set of tasks that it can solve. We evaluate LEAGUE on four challenging simulated task domains and show that LEAGUE outperforms baselines by large margins. We also show that the learned skills can be reused to accelerate learning in new tasks domains and transfer to a physical robot platform.Comment: Accepted to RA-L 202

    Scene Graph Generation by Iterative Message Passing

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    Understanding a visual scene goes beyond recognizing individual objects in isolation. Relationships between objects also constitute rich semantic information about the scene. In this work, we explicitly model the objects and their relationships using scene graphs, a visually-grounded graphical structure of an image. We propose a novel end-to-end model that generates such structured scene representation from an input image. The model solves the scene graph inference problem using standard RNNs and learns to iteratively improves its predictions via message passing. Our joint inference model can take advantage of contextual cues to make better predictions on objects and their relationships. The experiments show that our model significantly outperforms previous methods for generating scene graphs using Visual Genome dataset and inferring support relations with NYU Depth v2 dataset.Comment: CVPR 201

    Constrained-Context Conditional Diffusion Models for Imitation Learning

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    Offline Imitation Learning (IL) is a powerful paradigm to learn visuomotor skills, especially for high-precision manipulation tasks. However, IL methods are prone to spurious correlation - expressive models may focus on distractors that are irrelevant to action prediction - and are thus fragile in real-world deployment. Prior methods have addressed this challenge by exploring different model architectures and action representations. However, none were able to balance between sample efficiency, robustness against distractors, and solving high-precision manipulation tasks with complex action space. To this end, we present C\textbf{C}onstrained-C\textbf{C}ontext C\textbf{C}onditional D\textbf{D}iffusion M\textbf{M}odel (C3DM), a diffusion model policy for solving 6-DoF robotic manipulation tasks with high precision and ability to ignore distractions. A key component of C3DM is a fixation step that helps the action denoiser to focus on task-relevant regions around the predicted action while ignoring distractors in the context. We empirically show that C3DM is able to consistently achieve high success rate on a wide array of tasks, ranging from table top manipulation to industrial kitting, that require varying levels of precision and robustness to distractors. For details, please visit this https://sites.google.com/view/c3dm-imitation-learnin

    NOD-TAMP: Multi-Step Manipulation Planning with Neural Object Descriptors

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    Developing intelligent robots for complex manipulation tasks in household and factory settings remains challenging due to long-horizon tasks, contact-rich manipulation, and the need to generalize across a wide variety of object shapes and scene layouts. While Task and Motion Planning (TAMP) offers a promising solution, its assumptions such as kinodynamic models limit applicability in novel contexts. Neural object descriptors (NODs) have shown promise in object and scene generalization but face limitations in addressing broader tasks. Our proposed TAMP-based framework, NOD-TAMP, extracts short manipulation trajectories from a handful of human demonstrations, adapts these trajectories using NOD features, and composes them to solve broad long-horizon tasks. Validated in a simulation environment, NOD-TAMP effectively tackles varied challenges and outperforms existing methods, establishing a cohesive framework for manipulation planning. For videos and other supplemental material, see the project website: https://sites.google.com/view/nod-tamp/

    Zero-Shot Object Searching Using Large-scale Object Relationship Prior

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    Home-assistant robots have been a long-standing research topic, and one of the biggest challenges is searching for required objects in housing environments. Previous object-goal navigation requires the robot to search for a target object category in an unexplored environment, which may not be suitable for home-assistant robots that typically have some level of semantic knowledge of the environment, such as the location of static furniture. In our approach, we leverage this knowledge and the fact that a target object may be located close to its related objects for efficient navigation. To achieve this, we train a graph neural network using the Visual Genome dataset to learn the object co-occurrence relationships and formulate the searching process as iteratively predicting the possible areas where the target object may be located. This approach is entirely zero-shot, meaning it doesn't require new accurate object correlation in the test environment. We empirically show that our method outperforms prior correlational object search algorithms. As our ultimate goal is to build fully autonomous assistant robots for everyday use, we further integrate the task planner for parsing natural language and generating task-completing plans with object navigation to execute human instructions. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed pipeline in both the AI2-THOR simulator and a Stretch robot in a real-world environment

    Neural Task Programming: Learning to Generalize Across Hierarchical Tasks

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    In this work, we propose a novel robot learning framework called Neural Task Programming (NTP), which bridges the idea of few-shot learning from demonstration and neural program induction. NTP takes as input a task specification (e.g., video demonstration of a task) and recursively decomposes it into finer sub-task specifications. These specifications are fed to a hierarchical neural program, where bottom-level programs are callable subroutines that interact with the environment. We validate our method in three robot manipulation tasks. NTP achieves strong generalization across sequential tasks that exhibit hierarchal and compositional structures. The experimental results show that NTP learns to generalize well to- wards unseen tasks with increasing lengths, variable topologies, and changing objectives.Comment: ICRA 201

    Evolutionary Curriculum Training for DRL-Based Navigation Systems

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    In recent years, Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) has emerged as a promising method for robot collision avoidance. However, such DRL models often come with limitations, such as adapting effectively to structured environments containing various pedestrians. In order to solve this difficulty, previous research has attempted a few approaches, including training an end-to-end solution by integrating a waypoint planner with DRL and developing a multimodal solution to mitigate the drawbacks of the DRL model. However, these approaches have encountered several issues, including slow training times, scalability challenges, and poor coordination among different models. To address these challenges, this paper introduces a novel approach called evolutionary curriculum training to tackle these challenges. The primary goal of evolutionary curriculum training is to evaluate the collision avoidance model's competency in various scenarios and create curricula to enhance its insufficient skills. The paper introduces an innovative evaluation technique to assess the DRL model's performance in navigating structured maps and avoiding dynamic obstacles. Additionally, an evolutionary training environment generates all the curriculum to improve the DRL model's inadequate skills tested in the previous evaluation. We benchmark the performance of our model across five structured environments to validate the hypothesis that this evolutionary training environment leads to a higher success rate and a lower average number of collisions. Further details and results at our project website.Comment: Robotics: Science and System

    Human-in-the-Loop Task and Motion Planning for Imitation Learning

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    Imitation learning from human demonstrations can teach robots complex manipulation skills, but is time-consuming and labor intensive. In contrast, Task and Motion Planning (TAMP) systems are automated and excel at solving long-horizon tasks, but they are difficult to apply to contact-rich tasks. In this paper, we present Human-in-the-Loop Task and Motion Planning (HITL-TAMP), a novel system that leverages the benefits of both approaches. The system employs a TAMP-gated control mechanism, which selectively gives and takes control to and from a human teleoperator. This enables the human teleoperator to manage a fleet of robots, maximizing data collection efficiency. The collected human data is then combined with an imitation learning framework to train a TAMP-gated policy, leading to superior performance compared to training on full task demonstrations. We compared HITL-TAMP to a conventional teleoperation system -- users gathered more than 3x the number of demos given the same time budget. Furthermore, proficient agents (75\%+ success) could be trained from just 10 minutes of non-expert teleoperation data. Finally, we collected 2.1K demos with HITL-TAMP across 12 contact-rich, long-horizon tasks and show that the system often produces near-perfect agents. Videos and additional results at https://hitltamp.github.io .Comment: Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL) 202